Netbusters - Social netball leagues across London

Waterloo Wednesday (GMH) League Table

Waterloo Wednesday LeaguePWDLGFGAGDPTS
The Wonderballs (EMERALD GREEN)129032041505427
Wonderbirds (RED)12507184205-2115
The Ninja Berries (PINK)12507149183-3415
Lucky Shots (ROYAL BLUE)12408139192-5312
Goal Diggers (NAVY BLUE)43018552339
Tits & Bits (BLACK)32015437176
Ninja Slayers (PINK)30034574-290
Players of the Season
Emma FoxThe Wonderballs (EMERALD GREEN)2
Kat HarveyWonderbirds (RED)1
Izzy AllchurchGoal Diggers (NAVY BLUE)1
Ines BeveridgeThe Ninja Berries (PINK)1
Emily WattsThe Wonderballs (EMERALD GREEN)1
Amundeep DhanoaWonderbirds (RED)1


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